Real Estate September 14, 2023

What is a Procuring Cause? Realtor Training

Navigating Procuring Cause in Real Estate: Tips for Realtors


In the dynamic world of real estate, the term “procuring cause” often comes up in discussions among realtors. This concept revolves around who rightfully earns the commission when a property transaction occurs. While it may seem straightforward, the nuances of procuring cause can be complex and sometimes lead to disputes. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of procuring cause in real estate and provide valuable tips for realtors to navigate this important aspect of their profession.

Defining Procuring Cause

To begin, let’s establish a clear definition of procuring cause. In the real estate context, procuring cause refers to the agent or party who initiated the process of getting a buyer interested in a property, ultimately leading to a successful transaction. It encompasses the actions and efforts that influence a buyer’s decision to make an offer on a home.

Understanding the Role of the Real Estate Board

In the real estate industry, the real estate board plays a crucial role in determining procuring cause in case of disputes. Realtors pay dues to be part of these boards, and they serve as an impartial body to resolve conflicts related to commissions, ethics complaints, and more.

The Threshold Rule and Its Evolution

Traditionally, the threshold rule was used to determine procuring cause – whoever brought the buyer “over the threshold” of a property was deemed the procuring cause. However, the real estate industry has evolved, and today, boards consider a broader range of factors and events to determine procuring cause. It is essential to understand that just showing a property may not guarantee procuring cause in case of a dispute.

Why Procuring Cause Matters

Procuring cause is a critical concept for realtors because it directly impacts their earnings and professional reputation. Imagine spending months working with a buyer, showing them numerous homes, and then losing the commission to another agent who swoops in at the last minute. Properly understanding and managing procuring cause can protect your hard-earned income and maintain your clients’ trust.

Best Practices for Realtors

Now that we’ve established the significance of procuring cause, let’s explore some best practices to help realtors protect their interests and maintain a positive client-agent relationship.

  1. Secure Buyer’s Agreements: The first and foremost step is to have a signed buyer’s agreement with your clients. Ensure that your agreement specifies the duration and scope of your representation. This document is crucial in establishing your role as the procuring agent.
  2. Ask the Right Questions: When working with potential buyers, ask essential questions about their previous interactions with other agents. Find out if they have seen any properties or have been working with another realtor. Gathering this information can help you avoid procuring cause conflicts down the road.
  3. Document Everything: Keep meticulous records of your interactions and showings with clients. Use showing services or emails to document showings and communications. This documentation can be invaluable in case of disputes and can serve as evidence of your efforts.
  4. Communicate Effectively: Maintain open and transparent communication with your clients. If you discover that they have interacted with another agent, address it promptly and professionally. Discuss the situation and potential referral fees to resolve any conflicts amicably.
  5. Educate Your Clients: Explain the concept of procuring cause to your clients to avoid misunderstandings. Let them know that you work on a commission-based model and only get paid when they successfully buy or sell a property.


In the competitive world of real estate, procuring cause is a critical factor that can significantly impact a realtor’s income and reputation. By following the best practices outlined in this blog, realtors can navigate procuring cause conflicts effectively, protect their interests, and maintain strong client relationships. Remember, open communication, documentation, and a thorough understanding of your client’s history are key to successfully managing procuring cause in the real estate industry.


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