Real Estate February 21, 2024

Secrets to Creating a Schedule That Increases Income While Still Having a LIFE!

Unlocking Success in Real Estate: The Power of Time Blocking 

Welcome to Mike Ferrante’s training, where he shares valuable insights into his journey from 10 deals in the first year to becoming the number one team for Century 21 in the entire US in transactions. In this session, Mike delves into a seemingly mundane yet powerful strategy that has been a cornerstone of his success – time blocking.  Mike is the Team Leader of the 21 Mike Team at Century 21 HomeStar.

The Importance of Time Blocking: Mike addresses a common question: how did he achieve such remarkable success in real estate? The answer, he emphasizes, is simple and consistent – time blocking. He acknowledges that it might not sound sexy, but the results speak for themselves. Tony Geraci, broker-owner of Homestar, joins the discussion, shedding light on the significance of being strategic, intentional, and consistent with your time.

Mike’s Story: Mike shares his personal journey, revealing that he started with a full-time job, working 50 hours a week as a construction project manager. Despite this, he sold 10 houses in the first year, 45 in the second, and eventually transitioned to become the number one team for Century 21. The key? Time blocking. Mike’s routine involved consistent calls on his way home, targeting leads until they either asked him to stop or expressed genuine interest.

The Sphere of Influence: Tony emphasizes the importance of the sphere of influence (SOI) and breaks down the math behind it. He suggests a minimum goal of actively conversing with 240 people a year, equating to four calls a day. Tony also encourages agents to think outside the geographic box, considering people out of state whom they can connect with and possibly refer.

Consistency is Key: Mike reinforces the idea that while time blocking is simple, it requires consistency. He draws parallels to fitness routines, highlighting that success is not a one-time effort but a continuous commitment. He urges agents to treat themselves like employees and emphasizes that contacting the SOI consistently is the essence of building a successful real estate business.

Evolution of Business: Mike’s journey showcases the evolution of his business. While he initially relied on cold leads, he shifted to building and leveraging his sphere of influence. Today, approximately 95% of his business comes from the SOI. Tony adds that weaning off paid leads is a crucial step, focusing on organic leads and call-ins.

In conclusion, Mike stresses the simplicity of the strategy – time blocking for income-generating activities, especially with the sphere of influence. Tony concurs, emphasizing the absence of a magic formula and the proven success of consistent, long-term efforts.

Unlock your potential in real estate by embracing the power of time blocking and nurturing your sphere of influence. It’s not about shortcuts but sustained, strategic efforts that yield lasting success in the competitive world of real estate.


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